
Konglig PopINverter

Konglig popINverter

A couple decades after the beginning of times, Konglig PopINverter was out bird-watching and looked up towards the skies. In the skies Konglig PopINverter saw the cloud, and observed its contents. In the cloud Konglig PopINverter found an ad for a stack, in need of evacuation of its contents, hence it is full. Konglig PopINverter applied for this job asap, since Konglig PopINverter was very bored with not having anything to pop the last couple decenniums. On the first day of the new job, Konglig PopINverter realized that this job was a perfect job for PopINverter, with loads of popping.


Konglig green cake, Poppy music, Dancing biscuits


Bread in liquid form, Empty piles, Chaos