FanartDe Kongliga Spelen

Konglig OptikINverter

Konglig optikINverter

Before, when it was better, there were always stories of light unrecognisable by the naked eye. These spectrums of light, their beauty unbeknownst to all. Everyone except for Konglig OptikINverter. He whose retinas had been blessed by the power of the eight-legged cockatoo. Thanks to this blessing, Konglig OptikINverter developed the power to INvert reality. What was never before seen was now visible to all. Grace and elegance enveloped the world itself. The dawn of colour was upon us.


Poultry swimming IN hot oil, Alfred Nobel's musical INvention, Sterns poINted skywards


shaTTered glass, monochromatIc maps, mIsFocused lenses