FanartDe Kongliga Spelen

Konglig OverflowINverter

Konglig overflowINverter

A wise man once asked himself: "How could there ever be anything better than the greatest thing in the world?". But an even wiser man had the answer: "Just get more of the greatest thing in the world.". His teachings echoed throughout the world and were accepted as the truth before long. . All the world's inhabitants had taken his teachings to heart. When they inevitably asked themselves the forever looming question "How full do you want your box". They realised the problem was the box. The limitations of boundaries plagued them no longer. Their imagination was unleashed into a constant state of expansion, spilling over from their thoughts into reality. This man's every word was vehemently recorded into the fables of time, 'The Legacy of Konglig OverflowINverter'..


Proof of purchase, Falling water, Balls of cocoa


Surfaces under stress, Sp6j hör, "Lagom"